B - B - Big Bang !!! o e o ~
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sore throattt =[
12:46:00 PM | 0 G-market

lemmi think.. i been sick for the past few days already... ever since i shared lunch with beckiie 
[who is down with an even worse condition compared to mine]
i hope she's alright~ [=
for someone like her that lovesss to eat soo much junk food, n now she has to settle with just... porridge?
well apart frm that, guess wat~! 
i did a hell of a "presentation slide" on power point for my awesumm buddies that're coming to perth soon ^^
[by soon, its actually at the end of the year]
but it doesnt hurt to just be a lil more excited in advance huh =P

n its study break this week~~~  i have soo soo soo much work to catch up on, and i got my YOU session for airforce next tuesday! D:
how am i supposed to pull off the practical test wen im sick and energy-drained x___x

gahhhhh zzzzz
and right now, im supposed to be catching up on lectures that i missed!!!

oh yeah ~   last thursday, phoebe came back to uni ^^  its her GRADUATION DAY!!!
n she looked soo cute in that big red... wat do u call that thing?  *________*
well yeah that big gown thing with the hood!

n cuz she's so MINI-sized, it made her look like lil red riding hood! hahaha cute! x]

ah well, i gotta go hang my laundry and then get crackin on my unit notes!

latersss mardabish x]

2:15:00 PM | 0 G-market

belated update
CS event presented a HELL of a CNY after party night with KPOP?!?!

but hell the DJ played 5 asian music in total for the entire night...
WTF is he thinkinggg  @________@

yeah it was pretty bad to sum it up
on a regular metroz nite, it wld have been rated awesumm
but not wen everyone was expecting a full blast of kpop comin down... 

ah well... at least we had a good pre's and a full on KPOPPP cruise b4 that~
pretty damn heck of a ride ;]]]


ladies n gents... 
main point here~

4NE1 babyyyy

pizzaaa  S2

loves of my life

a bear family portrait

-leaders ; GD+CL


12:55:00 AM | 0 G-market

its the second week of uni.... 
awh man second year is lots better compared to first!!!
my timetable for this sem is just wow to my own likes x]]]
even tho there ARE 2 days with an 8:30 start... but everyday finishes before 1pm so its sweeeeeeet to the max x]
well "everyday" except wednesdays... a 3:30pm finish! grhh

there's more stuff to learn and take note n remember tho =[
but thats ok... JIAYOU HTET!!!

:DD hehee... 
im so sleepy right now... but im posting so i can stay awake while my hair dries...
midnight showers are THE BEST babey x]
but the time it takes for the hair to dry~~~ annoyinggggg  
n cuz ppl say hairdryer's bad for the hair, i shall STAY AWAKE and let it "blowdry" naturally rofl


ok ima go watch some 2NE1 mvz x]


1:28:00 PM | 0 G-market

Its been exactly a week since Uni started... im in second year already.. altho there are still some first year units for me to complete next sem....
yes... 14th Feb 2011~  first day of uni... boring....?  well..  not really... im actually quite into the lessons as compared to last year... 
and no... it wasnt "happy valentines day" for me...  i had work that day after uni = ="
well there wasnt any valentine for me to spend the day with anyways...

hmm  so far still so good on the week i wld say... oh yeah... we made a new group!  by WE, i mean 


oh wow i love how it all ends with an "E"

well... we are all super fans of 2NE1 (to anyone)

so wat do you know... =P

let me present .....  
(for anyone)

thats right bitches x]]]]]]

here's to the new version YG entertainment ~ 4NE1

my loves (:

catch up seshhhs x]
12:49:00 AM | 0 G-market

looks like im always a few days behind in updating my own activitiess huh
well yes its been quite awhile since i've posted smth here :P

ahem (:
since i got back till the 14th this month... i hvnt been going out at all... its always dramas and study... 
[yes i had a supplementary exam i had to take =( ... on the 14th]

so after my exam that day, i had a nice awesumm catch up lunch with yvonne and arnie at valentinos :D and then we went for KTV at hitz!

i've only got one or two pics on my fone here


thats wat we had for lunch... and thats abt wat i have for the day x__x
pretty sad huh..
well the rest is in arnie's camera.. n she hasnt uploaded any pics yettt... so .... gotta waittt =(

and on the 22nd~ guess who i met up with...~~~ MISS CASSIE CHAI!  :D
she's back frm her gay long holidays.. n going away again a few weeks later = ="
so yupp... had a nice lunch at nandos~ and then..  POOL PARTY at clints!!! :DD

pretty damn cool eh x]]]

cass took the pic so she wasnt in it...

n yes.. i do feel like im drifting away from taking mass pictures.. but i'll still be taking a few everywhere i go (Y)

n i just ordered more coloured contacts online just then XDD


cant wait for em to be delivered 

heheee...  oh well... im off to DRAMA-TIME :D

oh did i mention? i've been watching heappps of taiwan dramas this month.. so far i've finished 
(zhong ji yi ban)

and now... im watching  
(zhong ji yi jia)

heheee even tho the first two dramas r wat i've watched b4, i still love love love re-watching ^^

well.. yeah...
time for drama now...


cant wait cant wait cant waitttttt
9:33:00 PM | 0 G-market

a few days ago... actually... its been abt a week since we started planning this...

guess wattt~ there's gonna be an awesomely huge HONGKONG + SINGAPORE trip ~ coming 2012!!!

x-mas and new years in HK.. [8D7N trip] ~.^  and then a few days in singapore to catch up with other peeps that arent comin to HK with us...   :DDD

are u wondering who the "us" are??

well.. so far, we've only got a few ppl that are confirmed and guaranteed plus choppp! thery are.... :
and ofcourse...

we did quite some planning already and worked out how much we're gonna be spending...
so for me... i'll be needing at least $4000 by the end of 2012 november?? =/
will i be able to SAVE?

ME n SAVING $$$ doesnt really suit well.. but for the sake of all my friends.. and HK dissneyland~  i shall make it possible!!


we've already got details on how we're gonna spend our 8Days n 7Nights in HK x]  but seems like there'll be better and more improved ideas coming up as it nears!

well... JIAYOUU!!! on the saving bit x]]

and singapore~ i miss u (:

oh yehhh rujun sent me a video on whatsapp just a few mins ago :D hehe ah well... if u guys happen to come across this .... here's smth for u to read!
 u ppl are too cute :D  enjoy ur dinner tgt! n matt pls drive safe! =]

love youuuuuuu

6:17:00 PM | 0 G-market

its only been a few winks of an eye and how time flies D:

yes its my last few hours in singapore --- 31st december 2010

well.... this time round... no broken alarm clocks... we were all too tired to actually WAKE UP n go to my parent's hotel on time!!! 

  • 8:00 am... yinglin gets up to wake me up... and then fall back asleep...
  • 8:10 am... the three of us are still super deep in our dreams...
  • 8:20 am... yinglin wakes up once more to wake me up again...
  • 8:30 am... ying's still tryin her best to wake me [still half awake herself]
  • 8:40 am... im finally ... about 60% awake now...

PS: 9:00am is the time i gotta be at the hotel!!!!!

so i called mum straight away explaining why i cant get there on time... 
surprised that she was pretty cool about it...
[pretty sure she said 9am on purpose knowing that i'll be late no matter wat time she sets..]
anyway... he next issued time... 10:30 i gotta be at the hotel....

this means.... TIME TO WAKE RUJUN UPP!!

before that, i gotta start packing up my stuff thats all over the room first!!!
so PACK-UP TIME!!!!!
only after that, i got everyone to wake up n etc...

HONG HAO was already outside the house!!!
lol wat a major embarrassment... he sat in the room waiting for us to hurry n get ready... 
n by the time we're all set, i've got one more thing to do!  makeup!!!! D: ok nevermind.. at least some eyeliner??? i have three ppl lookin at me while i do my stuff... =/   *awkward much*

well anws... we set out after that.. after calling matthew n finding out that he's gonna meet us at the hotel instead... so BUS STOP! here we come!
n we werent sure how n which bus to take to get us to the correct hotel... so TAXI instead!
but there was no available taxi in sight at all... 20 minutes later [which was ald 10:30am] we finally got ourselves a cab...
took us around 20 mins to get there.... everyone was sooo tiredd... the ride was so quiet ... 
[i almost nearly  fell asleep again]

well.. we got there around 11:00am ish... awaiting a long nagging sesh frm mum... but wen i got there.. they hvnt even packed up!!! and my sister had gone for breakfast with her friends!!
this is NOT funny... telling me lies like that n making me rush there with a cab!!!

but ah well... gave us some time to go get some "BRunch" since its neither breakfast nor lunch time...

n after our last meal together... it was time for me to leave =(((

we all wanted to take lots of pics for the last day.... but given everyone's dead looks.. we rather there be no fotos instead of lookin dead in all of em... but we did took some (:

me n junn

yingg n me

honghao n mee

matthew n mee 


same ppl... different energies....   sighhhhhh

(: but i still love us ♥♥♥

i didnt get them to come to the airport anymore... its been a long two previous days...
they shud be going home to rest before the big count down tonight... so time for the last farewell =(

but that wasnt it... guess who was ald at the airport??

its a lil blurr... but as u can see (:

JOHN AND DESMOND came to send me off :DDD  ♥
naww love u guys too (:

they stayed the whole time until it was time for me to go... this was the BIG GOODBYE bit... 

its sad how i only get a few days in sg.. but i'll definitely make a longer trip nexxt time x]



till we meet again

5:49:00 PM | 0 G-market

so here's the start of the second day [30th Dec 2010] after the whole alarm-fixing-issue =PP

i had a nice shower and started lookin thru the pictures from the previous night while waiting for jun to showa n get ready...
and somehow for some reason i fell asleep on the floor after lookin thru them... i didnt read honghao's message till after i woke up... he's been waiting outside the house for agess ald @___@
sorry honghao =P

and only afew inutes later.. rujun walked outta the showa [shows how long she takes to showerrrrr]

well... so yeah~ matthew rocked up abit later.. and by 11 or 12noon ish, we're outta the house :D

BUGIS!! here we come ~.^

here's a shot on the MRT x]]] never miss the chance to camwhore ~.^

[i forgot to have my ice kachang =( ... but i had barley lemon ^^]

well after that, we went arnd the whole market in and out shopping :DDD  
[didnt even have time to take fotos~ soo busy =P  ♥]

oh but we DID took some after i did my hair extensions XD

hello long hair =P

THE crew XD

it wasnt really quite worth the ""ka-chinggg"" but oh well... i only did the bottom layer btw.. thats why it looks so thin!

we spent some more time there ... oh and i finally got my shoe there!!! x]
pretty damn wow right

so anws.. around 3pm ish i wld say... we decided it was getting uncontrollably hot there so ... 
dear orchard.... please do await us x]

first stop frm there : ION ORCHARD!
i  ♥ ♥ ♥ that place so much its sooo grand XD
 but first off~ TOILET!!!

i'll have to say.. wow! thats one damn of a toilet... best one i've ever been to EVER!
we took some time to ourselves in there.. fixed our hair etc... dolled up abit... re-fix the hair... 
[the guys fell asleep waiting for us... so that shows how pro we were]

then... we bought some old chang kee and BUBBLETEA [oh it rhymes!]
anyway.. yeh we looked for somewhere we can all sit down n rest our legs for awhile... we've been walking non-stop since morning ... [provided the lack of sleep everyone suffered from] ...
so its been a pretty tiring day for us =_________=

but i still wanna look arnd!! D:
therefore... honghao n rujun decided they wanna sit for awhile more~... while matthew and i took a walk outside... i soooo wanna see how much orchard road changed :D

MEGA huge n pretty XMAS TREE!!! 

as always... wat u wld expect frm singapore :D
wanna see what's inside?

u gotta wait till i run and get jun n honghao to come join us!
this kinda fun... no one should be missing out ~.^

there we go :D here's a nicer shot

rujun upskirt? D:
more like up-pants XP


well these awesumm shots continued all along the road.. alllll the way to ... um.. what's the name of the shopping ctr??  
=/  nevermind... the main point here is~  guess where we spent some QUALITY TIME at??

KISS ♥ KISS neoprint machine!!!!!  ♥ ♥ ♥

a lil too small to see?

heh hope this is clear enuff to see the guys' animated looks XDDD 

now its OUR turn by ourselves XD  ♥

award winning bff couple huh?  ♥ ♥ ♥

heh we had so much fun with those fotobooths we forgot about dinner!!!
so off we go ... to... [i dunno the place]
oh yeah~ guess who came to say hiii :DDD

my zhuu tou yong shenggg XD
dude u put on quite alot of weight !!
or are they muscles huh x]

....  we had more ppl joining us for dinner!!! :DDD
here's a shot of us meeting huiting and yinglin on the way and heading to dinner together  ♥



a nice trio tgt x]

the girls  ♥ ♥

 ♥ ♥ ♥ girl power yo  ♥ ♥ ♥

 ok here comes the muck up shots XD

take #1 
[what posers]

take #2
[epic love]

this is my junnn... and me :D
who's glasses were these again? =/

well yeahh anywayyys =PP
we had an awesome time at dinner... the guys wont stop talking abt NS and how good/bad their duties were... and etc etc :D

 ♥istana park♥

but before that... here's some shots we took after dinner ^^


wat can u say :] regular camwhores  ♥

groupiee :D  ♥ ♥

its FERRERO ROCHER bitches!! 

:DDDDD ok now off we go~ [in peace... ie no pictures] all the way till we reach istana park :D

oh what fun we had there~ 
so many rounds of "dare" we played =P
[photos are P&C hence not on blog~ sorry for the inconvenience XPP]

but there are some non P&C shots we took :D

one bottle each [none for rujun]
[save ur throat for barley tea babe]


♥ yes we bought this tgt JUST then 


♥ closeup?

♥ me n huitinggg :D 

♥ desmond XD 

♥ honghao XD 

♥ hello angel 
"lil mama the second"
yes im a big fan x]]



well that was some of the hand-picked shots of the night :D

we had some funn there.. then everyone's energy just drained out... 
it became a GO-HOME vs WAIT .. for my primary school friends to come

yes i hvnt mentioned... peng siong and calvin were ment to meet up with us the night before but they didnt turn up... so this the only night left before i go back tmr...

they turned up super late... = =""  3am i wld say?
den i went with them to chill at this thai disco place...
LOL @ matthew and rujun and yinglin worrying at the sound of thai disco...
and from how they saw my friends being so sh bengg...
none of them wanted me to go ...

i feel bad if they wait for me till i come back... so i told them they can go back first... i can get those guys to send me back later...
but they all insisted on waiting.. =/

so i went  (:
it was kinda scary... that thai disco place x___x 
i saw a really pretty lady!   but ... that LADY was actually a MAN x_______x

but yeah i had some free drinks and had a lil "knowledge" of how a thai disco looks like..
so thankyou mister ah xiang (:

.... 30 minutes later.... guess who came to get me LOL 
matthew, rujun and yinglin were waiting outside the building ... 
n i had no idea how to get outta the building so i had to get ah xiang to bring me outside!
[thanks again] lol

n... yeah~ TAXI! "send us home pls" =PP
this time.. it was me, jun, n yinglin having a sleepover tgt... 
like the previous night... i slept like a pig straight out once i got home...
sweet dreams ♥